Homes For Our troops Celebrates our 20 Year Anniversary

Homes For Our Troops began in 2004 as a Massachusetts construction project to build and donate one home for a local severely injured post-9/11 Soldier. Twenty years later, that standalone project has evolved into the Homes For Our Troops of today, a thriving, four-star rated, national charity with over 65 employees. Since our inception, HFOT has built and donated over 370 homes in 45 states, with more than 70 home-build projects in various stages of land search and construction nationwide.

We have achieved this accomplishment because of the continued generosity of supporters like you, who have enabled us to advance our mission of Building Homes and Rebuilding Lives for our nation’s Veterans. Most of these Veterans have sustained injuries including limb amputations, partial or full paralysis, blindness, severe burns, and/or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Despite their life-altering injuries, many of our Veteran home recipients, empowered by the freedom of a donated specially adapted custom home, embark on new careers, pursue post-secondary education, and start or expand families.

Our goal is to build a home for every Veteran who qualifies for one of our specially adapted homes. It is your generosity that fuels our organization and keeps our momentum going. We are honored and excited to share our 20th anniversary milestone with you, and we look forward to all that we can accomplish together as we continue Building Homes and Rebuilding Lives.

Learn more about the impact you are making on the lives of our Veterans and their families.

Veteran Testimonials

Over the past 20 years, generosity from supporters like you has allowed us to restore some of the freedom and independence our Veterans sacrificed while defending our country. More than 370 severely injured post-9/11 Veterans nationwide can now focus on their recovery, their families, and rebuilding their lives. We invite you to read about the impact of our homes from several HFOT Veteran home recipients.

Here are 20 ways you can get involved and support our mission:


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