Marine Gunnery Sergeant David Post

Pace, FL

David Post enlisted in the Marines in 2001, inspired by his father’s military service.

On November 9, 2011, during his third combat deployment, Gunnery Sergeant Post was serving as an explosive ordnance disposal technician on a dismounted patrol with the 8th Engineer Support Battalion supporting the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines in Afghanistan. He was injured in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast, and sustained severe leg injuries, balance impairment, tinnitus, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

David was airlifted to Camp Leatherneck and then transported to Landstuhl, Germany for additional treatment before returning stateside to Walter Reed Medical Center. He endured multiple surgeries over 14 months before doctors amputated his leg below the knee.

Now medically retired, David enjoys spending time with his fiancée, Yami, and his three children, Nicholas, Arielle, and Natalie. They share a love of the beach and outdoor activities. In their current non-adapted home, David is unable to safely maneuver in the kitchen or bathroom from his wheelchair, and he often worries about falling when accessing the shower.

A specially adapted custom HFOT home with a roll-in shower and barrier-free kitchen with roll under access to counters, sinks, and cooktops will increase David’s independence and sense of safety in his home, as well as allowing him to focus on pursuing a degree in electrical engineering. “Removing the burden of daily obstacles at home would let me have the physical and mental stamina to pursue my future educational and career plans,” he says.

Originally from Florida, David is choosing to remain in his home state.

David is grateful to HFOT donors and supporters for their support of the men and women who served our nation. “The amount of love, support, and freedom you provide my fellow brothers and sisters is unreal. You are not just giving back to Veterans—you are saving lives,” he says.

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