SFC Jacque Keeslar

Fallbrook, CA

Mission Accomplished on Nov. 19, 2011

On June 27, 2006, while on a mission to eliminate a local terrorist cell in Al Anbar Province, Army Sergeant First Class Jacque Keeslar was thirty days from the completion of his 12-month tour in Iraq when he was severely injured by an explosion. The improvised explosive device (IED) that was detonated directly underneath his Stryker, pinned him in the vehicle’s gun station and pulverized his legs. After an initial evacuation by Blackhawk helicopter to an Army field hospital, SFC Keeslar awoke to find himself in Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and learned he had lost both legs.

Now medically retired, Jacque is an avid golfer. He earned his associate’s degree in golf management and plays the sport most days to perfect his game so he can eventually teach. He and his wife Vanessa are grateful for the freedom and independence their specially adapted HFOT home provides them. They say their home is the largest gift they have ever received. “The home has helped us to recreate ourselves,” Vanessa says.